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Showing posts from November, 2022

Time Fly 's

 Hello Friends, First a foremost apologies for the time lapse it has certainly went by very quick since I last posted in  August 2023 . Life has had its challenges Healthwise a little long covid  was making me a little tired and brought up physical issues , I have great people looking after me and with a few trips to Bristol to my familiar doctors and medical professionals   things have  improved greatly .  I also got through a very cold and wet Irish winter . My Son started secondary school which is a big step , as I  write he has completed the first year it went so super quick . He now nearing the start of his second year , I am so proud of him , transition from primary education can be hard and he was doing it away from his friends , on his own . It has been a humbling experience seeing how he settled in and made friends and is now in the grove . One very Proud father of a TENNAGER !  I am also adapting to filling my time with new challeng...

Sing Out Loud

 Alright! Hope your all keeping well,  Last Thursday the 24th November the importance of music and performance was demonstrated in a show I went to see at the National Opera House Wexford.  My son took part in SING OUT LOUD 2022 which is a fantastic opportunity for Children. It had been the first opportunity in 2 years as during the pandemic two shows had been cancelled which brought home that the children of those years have lost out on such a fantastic opportunity. The vision is to give kids an opportunity to fall in love with music and theatre. Photo credit DCrouch Programme Cover                                                            This got me thinking about what our lives where like pre pandemic we took it for granted how easy it was for us to go see or be part of a shows, catch a live band and performance. The pa...

The Bright Introduction

How are you? Here I am stepping into the unknown, opening up my life to the world.  Why Now I hear you ask? Well my other half got fed up of listening to me rabbit on and she challenged me to put my story out there as it may help another person or family.  So here I am becoming a blogger with no real computer experience so this is the first bright thing to come out of this experience, I will learn and advance my skills 😉. I intend to reveal my story as time goes on. I will share with you the past , the present and the future ...  Bright Side For living   ,  . I chose to title my blog the Bright Side For living , because 'Always Look On The Bright Side of Life'  -Monthy Python is the tune that is embedded in my head .  Eric Idle lives on the legend .  First thing every morning I get out of the Bright side of the Bed , mainly because my side is the window side of the bed.  I stretch and yawn , sometimes trip over my own feet ,  yep I can...