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Showing posts from December, 2022

Time Fly 's

 Hello Friends, First a foremost apologies for the time lapse it has certainly went by very quick since I last posted in  August 2023 . Life has had its challenges Healthwise a little long covid  was making me a little tired and brought up physical issues , I have great people looking after me and with a few trips to Bristol to my familiar doctors and medical professionals   things have  improved greatly .  I also got through a very cold and wet Irish winter . My Son started secondary school which is a big step , as I  write he has completed the first year it went so super quick . He now nearing the start of his second year , I am so proud of him , transition from primary education can be hard and he was doing it away from his friends , on his own . It has been a humbling experience seeing how he settled in and made friends and is now in the grove . One very Proud father of a TENNAGER !  I am also adapting to filling my time with new challeng...

End Of Year Bright Reflection 2022

Evening Friends   Here we are on the Eve of the New year2022 as a family it has been challenging on so many levels , relationships, saying cheerio to friends and family and moving to a new country. Photo Credit :C Burke We left the city that I have called home all my life , the place that created us as a family . We packed up the cat, the fish the contents of the house and arrived in the Irish country side at the end of the summer .   (Although the weather actually has been very kind to us it only really got cold and wet in the month of December confirming climate change is real ). Photo Credit :D Crouch The challenges of 2022 have been overcome bar one the biggest and that been the curve ball, no not  my health but that of my partner who feel ill in March 2022 making it a bumpy year. The biggest challenge being the lack of independence in the transport department due to my partners driving license  being temporary revoked for a year. Our wings are slightly cl...

School Part 2 before the pre- head injury part 2

School Part 2 before the pre- head injury part 2 2 nd year (year 8) In the start of the 2 nd year, it was a bit different from the first year as we formed our friendship groups  there were the class groups and break time football friends. I recall one of the fixed fixtures at school was  Ron’s ice cream van at lunch time. If you were not having ice-cream, some people (cannot name who publicly ) would  pop the  bonnet of the van open and would mess  with the engine recall Ron in his heavy set west country accent saying  ‘DON’T ROCK THE VAN!! Or some time the occasional school bag would chucked under the van.   In school we were divided into attainment sets. Some students were in  top set, second set or third set for math ,German and French. The top set was for students who think that they are very clever and would do anything for the teachers. Second set students we were too clever to be in the top set and did not want to be in the top set. ...

1989 School years Part 1 - First year at Secondary level education

Credit :google images My pre head injury School years Part 1 - First year at Secondary level education In 1989 I was in secondary school year 7 (the first year for old people like me!). What I found out very quickly is that you don't grass up to the teachers and that it was weird calling teachers Mr and Mrs not their surnames. On the first day there were so many unfamiliar people in the school, and the building felt so big I feared getting lost in the environment I just walked into. I was scared deep inside and hope it didn’t show on the outside. I also felt excited as it was NEW and for months I had been preparing for this step in small ways. One of those preparations which I recall in the summer was my friends from primary school and couple of guiding parents took a trial run on the Number 1 Bus route destination Secondary school. This was to ensure that we were aware of how to take our independent steps into travel. It was successful and made us confident – what I was no...

My View of the Southgate World Cup 2022

My View of the Southgate World Cup 2022 . I have been listing to the radio, podcasts, watching TV and a variety of social media it appears there is a lot of negative views being aired about Gareth Southgate. He has been put under extreme pressure before the world cup started to succeed and now after the world cup has ended, he is receiving unfair pressure for not bringing winning the World Cup. A lot of people are saying England are only winning against less skilled teams compared to the higher branded teams such as France, Brazil, Spain etc in recent years. In my view it is unfair because in the World cup 1990 we were lucky many people would forget that. We had a great team and played great against the West Germany in the semi-final, however in 1990 we draw 1-1 against Ireland that we thought we were dead set to win and then played Holland 0-0 followed by a game against Egypt that we won 1-0 in the last 30 mins. England beat Belgium 1-0 in the last min in extra time in the la...