The saying cheerio was emotional but the future is bright
even doh at the moment it has a little
cloud over it .
Our Son has survived his first term in the village school.
Patrick is a pre teen full of life who
is looking forward to the Hormones and attitude
adventures of 2023!
I began this blog in November a huge undertaking as I need
to develop my skills in writing and understanding of IT. All that said here we
are my sixth post !
I would have never said at the start of 2022 that I would be
a blogger it never even crossed my mind what a Bright gift came into my life
now it is up to me to develop upon it
As I stated in my first post this will be a journey my initial intention was to tell my story and this has not changed it has developed. I have come to learn that my story is more than just me it is those that have also been effected by my journey also . My people my friends my family , I alone as I write have all kinds of emotions (this I share with you later), by talking to my people and telling them what I am doing asking them things I also realized that I am asking them to go back in time . To a time that was horrific, difficult and dark , when I am seeking answers to some of my question as I can not remember or recall I am asking them to fill in my blanks ,I will make acknowledgement to these in future writing which has impact on those that support me in this blog writing.
I am grateful for them but am fully aware that emotions and memories
are at times not a nice or good place to go as they are in the past , that the
good thing those times are in the past . I appreciate all of the help in writing my story that been given, the
filling in the gaps that I cant remember . It’s a big ask and I am so thankful.
2023 I will be going into detail about my accident it wont be easy reading , I been working on future posts and it has been extremely hard , emotional but very much a worth while exercise as I am recording my story in my way for the future.
Hopefully you my friends will find something to take from my writing even if it just one small thing .
I want to take this opportunity to thank all those that have dropped by here and who have engaged with me and given me feedback . I welcome your feedback as it helps me learn and progress.
As we say farewell to 2022 , we enter 2023 with a
understanding that finding The Bright Side For Living is the gift that is there for the taking .
Heath to you all for 2023
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