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Showing posts from January, 2023

Time Fly 's

 Hello Friends, First a foremost apologies for the time lapse it has certainly went by very quick since I last posted in  August 2023 . Life has had its challenges Healthwise a little long covid  was making me a little tired and brought up physical issues , I have great people looking after me and with a few trips to Bristol to my familiar doctors and medical professionals   things have  improved greatly .  I also got through a very cold and wet Irish winter . My Son started secondary school which is a big step , as I  write he has completed the first year it went so super quick . He now nearing the start of his second year , I am so proud of him , transition from primary education can be hard and he was doing it away from his friends , on his own . It has been a humbling experience seeing how he settled in and made friends and is now in the grove . One very Proud father of a TENNAGER !  I am also adapting to filling my time with new challeng...

The Bright Side for Living Resource List 23.01.23

  Resource list     last updated 23.01.23   Hello Friends , Before my next post  I think it important that I issue a resource list just incase you may need to speak to those awesome people , the professionals that are their to support us. They really can help and never be afraid to ask or seek help. When I had my accident the internet was not as it is today what a difference it would have made . My people would have been able to research , get support and access information a the click of a button . I and my people would have been able to connect with people going through similar journey . Back then my people had to rely on the word of medical teams looking after me , recommended groups, library and information gathering the manual traditional way , lots of phone calls etc. and writing letters and seeking help and support . Today it is a little easier due to technology but it is still hard , technology does not take away the reality of the situatio...

The Bright Side of New Year

  Happy New Year My friends ,   I am starting 2023 off on the Bright Side for living . New year often means making resolutions, going on a diet or going alcohol free even taking up a gym membership and not really sticky to the resolutions. This year I did make a 12 goal list , so did my son we are   still waiting to see my partners 12 goals NO pressure there CAT before the end of January will do   ! When I was my son’s age my main ambition was to be the best footballer Bristol City would ever have had , my son  is currently  focusing on Swimming , football did make his list but swimming was higher up  his sport at the moment.  I was surprised by some of his goals he wants a mini fridge in his room, he wants to  grow under arm hair  (really I thought swimmers like to be hair free !) , Sound Proof walls of his bedroom (this one is interesting indeed) and there are few more . The one common goal on our list is the New year Janua...