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Time Fly 's

 Hello Friends, First a foremost apologies for the time lapse it has certainly went by very quick since I last posted in  August 2023 . Life has had its challenges Healthwise a little long covid  was making me a little tired and brought up physical issues , I have great people looking after me and with a few trips to Bristol to my familiar doctors and medical professionals   things have  improved greatly .  I also got through a very cold and wet Irish winter . My Son started secondary school which is a big step , as I  write he has completed the first year it went so super quick . He now nearing the start of his second year , I am so proud of him , transition from primary education can be hard and he was doing it away from his friends , on his own . It has been a humbling experience seeing how he settled in and made friends and is now in the grove . One very Proud father of a TENNAGER !  I am also adapting to filling my time with new challeng...

The Bright Side of New Year


Happy New Year My friends ,


I am starting 2023 off on the Bright Side for living .

New year often means making resolutions, going on a diet or going alcohol free even taking up a gym membership and not really sticky to the resolutions.

This year I did make a 12 goal list , so did my son we are  still waiting to see my partners 12 goals NO pressure there CAT before the end of January will do  !

When I was my son’s age my main ambition was to be the best footballer Bristol City would ever have had , my son  is currently  focusing on Swimming , football did make his list but swimming was higher up  his sport at the moment.  I was surprised by some of his goals he wants a mini fridge in his room, he wants to  grow under arm hair  (really I thought swimmers like to be hair free !) , Sound Proof walls of his bedroom (this one is interesting indeed) and there are few more .

The one common goal on our list is the New year January Challenge. I have created a new fundraising team , THE BRIGHT SIDE FOR LIVING CREW.

                                                                                                               Photo Credit  : D Crouch

The  main vision of  THE BRIGHT SIDE FOR LIVING CREW  is through challenges is to give back to worthy causes and organizations One Challenge at a time.

The first challenge for the crew and for the year of 2023 is to complete 150 ,000 steps in a month.

We are doing STEP UP for Brain Injury 2023  in aid of Acquired Brain Injury Ireland  .

                                                                                                                  Photo Credit  : D Crouch

Acquired Brain Injury Ireland is a organisation that helps rebuild lives after brain injury . They help people by empowering them to live to their full potential.

As a team THE BRIGHT SIDE FOR LIVING CREW are hoping to raise €150 


  • Our  target is to simply reach 150,000 steps by the end of January 2023


                                                                                           Photo Credit  : Mobile Screen shot from Pacer app


What does fundraising mean to Acquired Brain Injury Ireland ?

Our fundraising means the organisation can be there for brain injury survivors like Me ,  Daniel Crouch . To help people like me  and their families to make sense of what’s happened or happing and rebuild their lives .

This organisation does this by Empowering people to live to their full potential. That’s what you can do through your support of this challenge I am under taking with my team THE BRIGHT SIDE FOR LIVING CREW .

If you want to Join the Crew on this challenge  please message me so I can get you linked to the team on the fundraising page


  • The  money we  raise from this challenge will help Acquired Brain Injury Ireland fund a range of important services to help people with a brain injury.


                                                                                                Photo Credit  : C Burke

The Challenge it self with help all the Members of The Bright Side of living Crew in the following ways


  • Mental health  walking can reduce stress, lower blood pressure and give you an energy boost.
  • Physical health  walking can help you maintain a healthy weight and keep active.
  • Stay motivated this challenge is a great way to keep motivated to stay active, by helping you strive for a consistent daily exercise target.


I will keep you regular updated on the teams progress through out the coming weeks -  we do hope you can support is in this challenge not matter how small the donation it will make a difference .  All donations go through Just giving page and straight on to 

My story is unique to me but there are also others who have challenging stories to starting the year off by giving back as a form of gratitude to all those that have been there empowering and rebuilding me following my accident.



                                                                                                                  Photo Credit  : C burke

If you or someone you know is effect by an acquired Brain Injury organisations like Acquired Brain Injury Ireland are always a good place to seek a conversation with  .

Till the next time help me keep moving on my steps challenge by sharing my Just Giving  fundraising page on you social media

 Thank you



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